October 2009
Posted by CAHGC on Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Under: Flight of the Month
Flight of the month for October went to Adam for his ridge run from Signals to Scarborough. The story:
32 kms from Signals to Scarborough. A really fun flight and a new personal best for me at this site. The flight itself was easy, just a point and shoot ridge-run. The only tricky bit came navigating some cloud in Hout Bay and thus having to go deep downwind along the steep cliffs of Chapman's Peak over the ocean before finding lift. The glide from Chapman's to Scarborough was a buttery smooth 14km at 20:1 and 75 kmh ground speed. Had to stop there as that is where the National Park Border starts. It was an incredibly beautiful day, as I hope the pics show. Is there a more scenic flying site in the world?
32 kms from Signals to Scarborough. A really fun flight and a new personal best for me at this site. The flight itself was easy, just a point and shoot ridge-run. The only tricky bit came navigating some cloud in Hout Bay and thus having to go deep downwind along the steep cliffs of Chapman's Peak over the ocean before finding lift. The glide from Chapman's to Scarborough was a buttery smooth 14km at 20:1 and 75 kmh ground speed. Had to stop there as that is where the National Park Border starts. It was an incredibly beautiful day, as I hope the pics show. Is there a more scenic flying site in the world?
Signal Hill from Lion's Head. The 2010 World Cup football
stadium is at the top of the frame.
Looking back at Lions Head and Table Mountain from along the Apostles
In : Flight of the Month