A list of useful weather links

General weather patterns:

Wind guru - Cape Town - change the SPOT for info on other sites in SA

Windguru - Porterville 

YR.no Cape Town - general weather forecast

YR.no Durbanville 

Synoptic charts - an excellent page from Xplorer.co.za

Advanced soaring predictions (thermal strengths, heights, winds etc):

Ian Forbes' BLIPMAPS 2 - The best site for detailed wind predictions. Based on Dr Jack's RASPs. Excellent for 1-3 days before.

XC Skies - Requires subscription (3-month free trial possible)

FACT lapse rate - compiled on FlyPorterville.net

Aviation weather - South African Weather Service (requires log-in)

Real-time wind information:

iWeathar wind stations - some real time winds around South Africa

iWeathar Signal Hill


Table Mountain - excellent for checking cloudbase at Signals.

Local webcams - complied by Xplorer.co.za

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